Sunday, 18 April 2010

El Matador Restaurant

I'm trying to find details/info/memories of the El Matador Restaurant which was in Symonds Street. Anyone remember it?

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Gregory Slui

This is the Photograph I bought as my souvenir of New Zealand for Costas & me. It arrived today and is as beautiful as when I first saw it in the Endemic gallery in Roxburgh, South Island. I will get it framed and have also bought a print of Grahame Sydney's 'Auripo Road' to hang with it. Both images, one photo and one painting, resonated deeply with me and we were lucky enough, by sheer coincidence, to spend two nights with friends in Dunedin in what turned out to be Sydney's childhood home.

rail trail

Rail Trail

Here are a few pics from some of the trip - some are signs along the way which caught my eye, the naked one is how I hoped I would look after 4 days but definitely didn't. me at the highest point of the trail, the group (4 riders and 2 support crew), the Postmaster's House is where we slept the last night on the trail and where Freddy surprised us with a wonderful rose champagne to drink to our achievement.