Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Birthday morning - T-Shirts

Costas' birthday

The night before the actual 'dirty day' we all went to the Asmartion - a music club. Greek music clubs can be good or bad, this one is fun and it doesn't take much to get them dancing (except my family!). The band starts around midnight and play and sing solidly until around 5am. We left about 0430. The four singers are particularly good and when they did the usual singing 'happy birthday' to various members of the audience, Costas hid and I had had strict instructions not to ask for him to be mentioned. I should have ignored him and gone ahead and done it.
It was the latest night I've had since Jessie was here and we took her there. She was such a great spirit to have around and battled constantly to lead me astray.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
I made it across the line...
Friday, 20 November 2009

As we left the Zigi fish tavern there was a roadside truck making these traditional deep-fried fritter balls which are sold drenched in tawny honey and cinnamon. They are my absolute favourite dessert here. And I bitterly resent having to share them. The lady doing the cooking turned out to be a patient of our physician friend - that's Cyprus, way too small.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Tomorrow looms
Tomorrow is the start of NaNoWriMo.
For the uninitiated, this is the event which starts at 00:01 (1/11/09) and ends 23:59 (30/11/09). During the month thousands of idiots around the world shut the curtains, take the phone off the hook, adopt a seige mentality with stocks of coffee, cigarettes and chocolate (I am reliably informed) and consign all normal domestic duties to a 'do it yourself' status. The only relationship is with their computer or laptop. Why? Because as a personal challenge we have undertaken to write a novel in a month. Not a good novel, not a carefully constructed novel, but an outpouring first draft with no editing, planning or even any idea what ist will be or where it might go. The participants seem to be divided into to main sub-species:
For the uninitiated, this is the event which starts at 00:01 (1/11/09) and ends 23:59 (30/11/09). During the month thousands of idiots around the world shut the curtains, take the phone off the hook, adopt a seige mentality with stocks of coffee, cigarettes and chocolate (I am reliably informed) and consign all normal domestic duties to a 'do it yourself' status. The only relationship is with their computer or laptop. Why? Because as a personal challenge we have undertaken to write a novel in a month. Not a good novel, not a carefully constructed novel, but an outpouring first draft with no editing, planning or even any idea what ist will be or where it might go. The participants seem to be divided into to main sub-species:
- Those who have an idea and have done some preliminary broad planning, and have been getting to know their characters in their minds for the past weeks.
- Those, like me, who hope divine inspiration will strike the minute they sit down to start and are curious to see where this magical mystery free-write will take them.
The aim is to reach 50-60,000 words by month's end. There is no failure nor winning in the sense of accolades, prizes or kudos.
It will be interesting, especially as I have two Open University courses going on at the same time.
I may be a while....
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Just been to see...
Just got back from one of the most delightful films ever.
Julie & Julia with the marvellous Meryl Streep and Amy Adams.
For those who love food and cooking and need a good laugh, see it.
Julie & Julia with the marvellous Meryl Streep and Amy Adams.
For those who love food and cooking and need a good laugh, see it.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Back from South Africa

I'm back and oh so glad. My head is jumbled with fantastic moments and a memory of constant distress, anxiety and questions, questions, questions about South Africa. I haven't sorted the facts or feelings yet, never mind the photos - all 2000 of them. No worries, I will post very few. I think I need to let it all sit and brew a while. Get some distance.
Also need to catch up on course work and prepare for the new course starting this week.
Last night met 'les girls' or gals as Rhay says, for our Monday evening writing, wine-drinking, whining and giggle session. I missed it and them very much.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
The food

Lunch was by the sea at our friends' house, it was a big gathering. As well as salads, a delicious pasta with aubergines and roast potatoes there was the pork and chicken souvla (on the spit), heavy wine soaked sausages and halloumis grilled and served in hot pita breads.
I know it seems all we ever do is eat, and it feels that way sometimes, but we do sometimes just say no.
Another Sunday lunch

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